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Permissible Distributions

The following list of non-support items is provided for purposes of description and shall not limit the Trustee(s) in making other distributions for other items of amenities that the trustee may believe are in the best interest and sole benefit of the beneficiary.  Those items may include, but are not limited to:


  1. Appliances (TV, VCR, stereo. Microwave, stove, refrigerator, washer/dryer and maintenance/repairs

  2. Clothing, Shoes

  3. Clubs and club dues (record clubs, book clubs, health clubs, service clubs, zoo, museums)

  4. Computer hardware, software, program, maintenance/service

  5. Internet and cellular phone service

  6. Conferences and travel related to same

  7. Courses or classes (academic or recreational), including supplies

  8. Furniture and home furnishings

  9. Gasoline and/or Maintenance for automobile

  10. Haircuts / Salon services

  11. House cleaning / maid services/lawn services/snow removal

  12. Independent Care Managers/Case Managers

  13. Insurance (automobile, home, rental and/or beneficiary possessions)

  14. Legal Fees/Advocacy/Professional Services

  15. Massage, facials and other similar services/treatments

  16. Medical & Dental work not covered by Medicaid, including anesthesia.

  17. Non-food grocery items (cleaning products, paper goods, personal hygiene products)

  18. Over-the-counter medications (including vitamins and herbs, etc.)

  19. Pet and pet’s supplies, veterinary services

  20. Pre-Paid Funeral expenses

  21. Tickets to concerts or sporting events (for beneficiary and an accompanying companion)

  22. Transportation *See Vehicle Purchase Application

  23. Vacation (including paying for a personal assistant to accompany the beneficiary)



Examples of Trust Distributions which will Reduce SSI Benefit


  1. Basic shelter related expenses

  2. Food

  3. Cash for any purpose



Examples of Trust Distributions (Not Allowed)


The trust cannot pay for a service already paid for by another source.  An example of this would be paying for a medical expense that is also covered by Medicaid.  The trust is also not able to distribute funds that are not in the best interest of the beneficiary, which includes weapons of any kind. 



IMPORTANT NOTE:  The trust is for the sole benefit of the beneficiary and may NOT be used for the benefit of other individuals, including family members. 

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